
Industrial Mixer

Industrial mixers for powders, granules and bulk materials are used in many industries (i.e., chemical, food, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, animal nutrition, etc.) for the manufacture of flavorings, food colorings, paints, toners, as well as the treatment of polymers, silicones, lubricants and adhesives...

Mixing operations are required at many stages of industrial processes

Mixers are rotor/stator agitators used for more challenging solid-liquid dispersions and emulsions which High Speed Dispersers cannot adequately process. This type of mixing device typically features a four-blade rotor turning at high speeds within a stationary stator. As the blades rotate, materials are continuously drawn into the mixing head and expelled at high velocity through the openings of the stator. The resulting hydraulic shear promotes fast homogenization, deagglomeration and emulsification. Typical rotor tip speeds are between 3,000 and 4,000 ft/min. High Shear Mixers are available in both batch and inline (continuous) designs

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